Board of Directors Subject To Approval


May 4, 2000


Present: Fell, Chesarek, McInnis, Forristall, Anthony, Goldmann, Bond, King, Varady, Koch, Capozzo, Sottana

Excused: Robinson

Guest: Recknagel

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Minutes of April 4, 2000 and Special Minutes of April 20, 2000

McInnis motioned to approve, Goldmann seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

The report was accepted.

A discussion on increasing the food and beverage prices. Capozzo will survey other NEB clubs on their food percentage, and pricing structure of the membership.

Construction Committee

The Board toured the new banquet facility. Installation of the carpet is scheduled for May 15 and the move in date is scheduled for May 20, 2000. At the time of the move in date the banquet facility will not have the chandeliers, wall sconces or sound panels installed. These items should be completed by the end of June. Recknagel reports that we are still on budget.

The O'Brien Builders issues are progressing in a positive manner.

Membership Sales & Notations

Tomlinson - Goldmann motioned to approve the applicants, Varady seconded. The motion carried.

The Board took note of one Notice To Sell form. Due to the new procedure, the membership will be effective for sale May 5, 2000.


Greens - Tree program is progressing. The committee felt the billing for the sand and seed program should included walkers as well as private cart owners, and would like to give members more information (in the KEY) on the program before it is implemented. The Board would like the committee to present their complete plan at the next Board meeting.

Golf - No meeting

House - The furniture for the banquet and lounge have been ordered and funds are needed to purchase blinds for the ladies card room.

Blinds - Bond motioned to divert $2,000 from Story's sand and seed budget to purchase the blinds for the ladies card room as members will be charged an amount not to exceed $25.00 to cover the costs of the sand and seed program. Anthony seconded, the motion carried.

Tennis - Sunday morning players: The pro said that members are playing early on Sunday mornings, not non-members. Capozzo will confirm. Sales have increased, and the committee discussed hiring an assistant pro. This idea was tabled.

Membership - Transfer Fee - The committee's recommendation to the Board is to keep the transfer fee at fifty percent of the purchase price.

Transfer of a membership to a child - Committee would like more direction from the Board.

The Board is requesting the committee to present the positive and negative effects of a member transferring their membership to a child, how many times the membership could transfer within the family, years in between a transfer and what transfer fee should apply. Koch motioned that the committee have a recommendation for the July Board meeting. King seconded, the motion carried.

F&B/Social - Discussed Luau booked for June 17, 2000. 100 reservations are needed to hold the event.

B&G - Location of the flag pole donated by the Senior Men's Group is progressing. The Board wants the flag pole installed by July 4, 2000. The committee will give the location of the pole at the June Board meeting. A wood post was installed at the Tennis facility without proper authorization. It supports a rotten beam attached to the observation deck. The Board wants the deck investigated immediately due to safety concerns.

Pool&Fitness - Diving board and stand - Bids are being obtained. The Board would like to have a diving board prior to July. Pool furniture - The committee would like to order the furniture they have selected which was approved in the 2000 budget. Swim team income is applied towards pool income to cover costs associated with the swim team and cannot be applied toward the purchase of the furniture. The Board discussed borrowing funds from the Emergency Reserve Account. Varady motioned to take $11,000 from the Emergency Reserve Account to purchase the pool furniture, Koch seconded. The motion was declined 8-2. The wading pool is still under repair and should be completed by Memorial weekend and a barbeque pad has been installed. Pool House Shower Floor - The floor was designed per specification, but there have been complaints that the floor is too slippery when wet. Mats are being used and the B&G committee will explore adding a new surface or other alternatives. The Board would like floor bids prior to the June Board meeting. A special meeting maybe called to review diving board and floor bids.

Old & New Business


- The Board will respond to a letter concerning food service.

- Community Wellness - Anthony motioned to approve a request for a foursome including carts to be used as a prize for their fundraiser. Varady seconded, the motion carried.

Varady motioned that we accept requests from charitable organizations once a year. The Board would then consider the requests for the year. A sub-committee would be established from the Golf Committee to keep a record of Charitable considerations. Chesarek seconded. The motion was withdrawn.

Story - A letter thanking the Board for their appreciation of his twenty years of employment.

Transfer Fee - After a lengthy discussion, McInnis motioned to keep the transfer fee at fifty percent of the selling price, Chesarek seconded. King motion that the vote be by name, Varady seconded. The motion carried.

Yes - Chesarek, Koch, Bond, Goldmann, Forristall, King, McInnis, Fell

No - Anthony, Varady

The motion carried 7-2. The transfer fee will remain at fifty percent of the selling price.

A letter will placed in the June KEY to notify the members of the Board's decision.

Capozzo informed the Board that a tent has been rented for Saturday, May 13 (Anniversary party) through Monday, May 15, 2000 (Jelly Belly Tournament). The tent is needed to accommodate the number of guests in the Terrace as the banquet facility is not yet complete.

Chesarek will chair the next Board meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,

Maurry Koch, Secretary

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